Customer Comments

“Ted’s first time swimming and he loved it! A genuine and lovely girl who looked after Ted. Really impressed, excellent.” 

Jon Shaw, Owner of Ted

Blake is now bounding up the stairs again after nearly 2 years not being able to, We are thrilled with his progress since attending Adams Canine Hydrotherapy

Mrs Wait, owner of Blake the standard poodle (10 years old )

Dessi, a German Shepherd, has shot to fame and glory at only 2 years old, becoming  Show Champion Mascani Odessa.

Thanks Adams Canine Hydrotherapy, Its with your help that Dessi has achieved peak fitness and muscle tone

Zep AKA ‘The Dogfather’ (Professional Dog Trainer)

“Since Ben our Golden Retriever had his cruciate ligament operation last  August  we want you to know  how  much we appreciate the beneficial qualities of his weekly  sessions in the Hydro Pool. 

After having two sessions a week for five weeks then going on to once a week his muscles have built up and he is much stronger and more flexible, plus the fact that he thoroughly enjoys his “weekly dips” very much.

 We have gradually increased his exercise, but I am sure that it is his Hydro Pool Therapy that has been the biggest factor in his improvement.

 Looking at him now, you would never guess that he is nine years old and had two cruciate ligament operations in the past three years. He looks really fit and well.

 We will continue to bring him regularly and hope that he remains happy and healthy.”

Mrs V Spondon

“People have asked me ‘what are you doing differently with Trigga?’ ‘He is moving brilliantly and looking really supple’. Since coming to ACH my success has exceeded my expectations on the agility field and I have represented GB in the European Championships”

Mark Powell (Championship Dog Agility Competitor)

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